Summary of the
Orthodox Wedding Summary
An Orthodox
Perspective by Rivka
C. Berman
Kabbalat Panim Greeting the
Chatans Tish - Grooms
reception: tenaim, and ketubah (wedding documents) are
signed, mothers of the bride and groom break a plate.
Depending on the hour, mincha, the
afternoon service, may be prayed at this time.
Bedeken the groom veils the
Processional Groom goes first,
attendants, and then the bride. Once the couple is standing under
the Chuppah, a special welcome song is chanted.
Circling Bride circles the groom.
Another song, praising God who will bless the
bride and groom.
(Letter of Blessing Lubavitch
couples will read the standard letter of blessing written for brides
and grooms by the Lubavitcher Rebbe (1902-1994).
Priestly Blessing: A kohen blesses the
couple with the traditional three part priestly blessing. May the
Lord bless you and keep you
Erusin the engagement
Blessing is said over wine.
Engagement blessing is said.
Groom and bride sip from the cup.
Ring Ceremony - The groom says the
marriage formula: Harei at mekudeshet li
, Behold you are
sanctified unto me.
The bride receives the ring
Reading of Ketubah Marriage
contract is read in Aramaic. (Text is explained at some ceremonies)
The ketubah is handed to the bride
Nesuin the marriage blessings
A second blessing over the wine is said.
The marriage blessings are said.
Groom and bride sip from the cup.
Breaking the Glass The groom stamps
on and shatters a glass.
Union. The newlyweds retreat for some time alone together.
Reception Guests celebrate the marriage and gladden the newlyweds
with dancing and merrymaking. The meal is served.
Grace After Meals Along with the
prayers that follow the consumption of bread, the sheva berachot,
seven marital blessings, are said over a cup of wine.
