Jewish Wedding:
Summary of Ceremony Honors
An Orthodox
Perspective by Rivka
C. Berman
There is a long list of honors in a wedding ceremony. Filling the spots can be a tough family politic conundrum. Fortunately, there are plenty of honorary duties that may be enough to go around and circumvent the possibility of hurt feelings.
Two Witnesses to the tenaim
Two Witnesses to the ketubah
Two Witnesses to the Ring Presentation
A kohen to bless the couple – (Whether this takes place depends on the family’s custom)
A Reading of the ketubah
Seven men for Seven Blessings
Two Witnesses to stand outside the yichud room
A Grace after Meals Leader
Seven men to recite the wedding blessings said during the Grace after the meal
This list can be shrunk if witnesses and others are given double duty. A set of two witnesses can observe the tenaim, ketubah, ring ceremony, and yichud room. All seven blessings, which are recited during the Chuppah and the Grace After Meals can be said by one person, who can read the ketubah as well.
