The Forshpiel:
Shabbat Kallah
An Orthodox
Perspective by Rivka
C. Berman
Yiddish speakers can readily understand the meaning of forshpiel, which translates literally as “pre-party.” Guests gather in the bride’s and groom’s homes on the Sabbath afternoon before their wedding to sing and celebrate with the newlywed to be couple.
The bride’s pre-party is called “Shabbat Kallah,” the Sabbath bride. The celebration links the bride to Shabbath, which has been mystically nicknamed as God’s bride. (Lecha Dodi, a prayer in welcoming the Shabbath, recited Friday night, repeats the refrain: “Lecha dodi likrat kallah penei Shabbat nekabelah,” Go, my beloved, to greet the bride, the countenance of Shabbat we will greet.)
