Jewish Wedding halls,jewish
wedding banquet hall,jewish wedding catering hall, Bar Mitzvah banquet
hall Bat Mitzvah venue
and Kosher Catering Halls
Perfect Place to Have Your party!
Before you go about looking for the perfect place to have your
celebration --- consider the following:
Budget - You can spend anywhere from $0 to $100,000 and more.
Number of guests you anticipate
Accessibility to families and guests
Weather Conditions (an important fact if youre to have your
celebration outdoors)
You may consider a traditional venue or something different:
For a list of Banquet Halls serving the Jewish community - for
weddings, bar mitzvahs, brit and baby naming ceremonies, and other
life-cycle celebrations search the Jewish Celebrations Directory
Click Here!
In spring and summer, botanical gardens blooming and colorful, may be
perfect for an outdoor affair.
Synagogues and Jewish Community Centers host catered affairs. These
organizations usually provide chuppah facilities, as well as the
services of an officiating rabbi.
Consider a municipal building, an historical residence, or a museum.
Beautiful historic buildings abound in the United Sates, many make them
available for your wedding / bar mitzvah.
Your home or home of a friend. A tent in a spacious backyard may be
a lovely, personal setting.
Cruise ships are another option, for those of you who enjoy watery
panoramic views
Practical Advice -
Questions You Want Answered - Check List
Cost of location is payment plan available?
Are packages available what they include, and what is the cost?
Do they have a CHUPA (wedding Canopy), or do you need to provide one?
Is there an indoor facility for the Chupa ceremony?
Is there an outdoor facility for the Chupa ceremony?
Liability Insurance (protecting you in case someone gets injured
during the party)
Duration of affair - is overtime available, and the charges for
Will there be a party right before or just after yours? Make sure
theres enough time for cleanup.
Is catering on premises kosher?
Can you choose to use an outside catering service?
Are tables, chairs, dishes available?
Is rearranging furniture allowed?
Is coatroom available for guests?
Are there sufficient restroom facilities?
Is parking available? And if it is what are is the cost, and what are
the rates of gratuities for valets? (it is customary to pay for valet
services up front, so guests will not have to tip)
Are there limitations on music (style and hours)?
Level of security and is there a need for additional guards?
