Formal Attire for Men & Women
Black-tie or Casual - What Is the
Proper Attire?
Guests' attire contribute to the atmosphere of a celebration. It is,
thus, important to verify the style of affair you are attending; You don't want
to show up for a black-tie affair wearing khaki pants and a polo shirt, or to a
"casual dress affair" decked in tails and white gloves.
Grooms, Bar Mitzvah Boys, Fathers of the Bride and Groom, etc.
You may consult with your vendor as to the most appropriate choice for
the style of event you will be attending:
Grooms, Groomsmen, Fathers, Brothers, and
Bar Mitzvah Boys:
• For a formal evening affair, it is time for a
tuxedo. You may either purchase one (a good choice if you think you
may be using your tux in the future), or rent one for the evening.
• For a Semi-formal affair, you may choose a tux but a black, grey,
or navy suit will do. Don't forget your dress tie.
• For casual events, casual will do. But keep away from shorts,
cut-offs, jeans, and sneakers.
Mothers of Brides, Bridesmaids, Sisters, Bat
Mitzvah Girls, etc:
Unlike the bride, whose choice may be a difficult one,
but the perimeters are known, you have a much tougher job.
• Bridesmaids often don't have the option of choosing their own
dress, and as part of the wedding party, wear a dress of the bride's
choice. If, however, you have a close loving relationship with the
bride, you may be able to influence her choice. A choice that may be
more flattering in style and color.
-- A note to the bride: Choose dresses your bridesmaids will be
proud to wear. Remember: If they look good, you will too! --.
• Mothers of brides and other close family members should verify the
color themes, and if important to the bride, comply with the
request. If the colors are not predetermined, choose colors that
enhance your looks. Mothers - stay away from white.
• For casual events, casual will do. But keep away from shorts,
cut-offs, jeans, and sneakers.
• The Bat Mitzvah girl dress is dependent on the style of the
affair. Dresses can be knee-, tea-, or floor-length, but keep in
mind that comfort and practicality are key.
• Talk to friends and acquaintances... ask for recommendations.
