Benchers, Siddurs and Kippot BENCHER: Jewish weddings and Bar / Bat Mitzvahs, regardless of affiliation, follow the traditional rituals to some degree. There are specific blessings for the different Jewish Life Cycle celebrations. Seven blessings are recited during the Chuppah ceremony; Others are said during circumcision of a new born male; etc. These blessings and songs that are recited in honor of the special occasions, can be found in special "benchers" (blessing books), that are sold in various formats; Benchers are available in Hebrew only or Hebrew with English translations and/or transliterations. The benchers, often personalized to commemorate the affair, are sold as laminated tri-folds, booklets, etc. Some benchers include Shabbat songs. It is a popular trend to provide guests with benchers, which they take home as a souvenir. SIDDUR: Specially designed Siddur covers are available for the Bar Mitzvah boy and Bat Mitzvah girl as well as for bride and groom. Some people prefer giving their guests the more "hefty" siddur rather than a bencher.
KIPPOT (YARMULKES): If your ceremony takes place in a synagogue or
temple, in respect to the premises, it is customary to provide guests
with kippot. Some people choose to provide Kippot regardless of
where the ceremony takes place, others do not. ![]() ![]()