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17th Day of Tamuz: Day of Joy?
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The prophet Zecharia talks about the fast of the fourth month which the Mishnah associates with the seventeenth of Tammuz. With the building of the second Temple, the Jews asked Zecharia if they would be continuing to mourn and fast on the four fast days. The prophet received a divine answer that those days would now be days of joy and happiness for the house of Judah, full of gladness and cheerful feast.
Commentators explain that the fast days were transformed to holidays upon the rebuilding of the second Temple. They further predicted that in the messianic era when the third Temple will be resurrected the fast days will be converted to holidays filled with joy and happiness.
Mazor Guide to Shiva-ah Asar b'Tamuz (17th Day of Tamuz) brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.
MazorGuide Recommended Reading
Discussion and Consolation: Experiencing the Churban ~ by: Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - A 6-cassette Set