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Yom Kippur - Prohibitions
By: Rivka C. Berman, Contributor
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Prohibitions on Yom Kippur
The concept of "You shall afflict your soul..." has been interpreted as
spiritual suffering.
The rabbis listed five prohibitions falling within
this domain:
Work (melachah), as with Shabbat
Eating and drinking
Washing (except direct cleansing of
dirt) and anointing with creams, lotions, etc.
Wearing leather or leather covered shoes
Intimacy (marital relations).
Pikuach nefesh: As it pertains to all
Jewish Mitzvot, all restrictions can and should be lifted whenever there
is a threat to life or even to one’s health.
Fasting on Yom Kippur is a biblical commandment, however fasting is
prohibited to children under the age of nine and women in childbirth
(from the time labor begins until three days after birth). Older
children and pregnant women may fast, however only if fasting will not
imperil their health. People who depend on daily medications or are ill
should consult a physician and a rabbi.
If a physician determines that one may not fast, it is incumbent upon
the person to eat. If you are physically unable to fast due to pregnancy
or illness, consult your rabbi for details and advice on how to honor
the day.
Mazor Guide for Yom Kippur brings you much more about
the holiday, its meaning and its traditions... See the links below.