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Passover Shop
Passover (Pesach) commemorates the exodus from Egypt. Orthodox
Jewish in the Diaspora celebrate the first two nights of Passover with
the Pesach Seder. (In Israel the celebration of the Seder is only
on the first night of the holiday. Reform Jews in Israel and the
Diaspora celebrate only one seder.)
At the Passover Seder, the story of the exodus from Egypt is retold, as we
follow the rituals prescribed by the Passover Haggadah.
There are a myriad of Haggadahs available, some smaller some larger, some
complete other abbreviated, and some illustrated others translated
and/or transliterated. Click below for a great selections of Haggadahs,
and you're sure to find one that is appealing to you.


The Ten Plagues of Egypt - a Passover (Pesach) brings you much more about the holiday, its
meaning and its traditions... See the links below.