to Celebrate the Bar / Bat Mitzvah
Orthodox Perspective
by Rivka C. Berman
Where to Celebrate
a Bar and Bat Mitzvah Service
The synagogue is a popular choice because the synagogue is where the community
comes together to continue the traditions and mission of the Jewish people. But
theres more to Judaism than the synagogue. Judaism is not limited by walls.
Wherever Jews gather there is the potential for holiness. Get ten adult Jews for
a minyan and a Torah, and host a bar mitzvah service anywhere. On a mountaintop.
At sunrise.
Often times folks divide the celebration of the Bar
MItzvah, celebrating the ritualistic portion, the Aliya, the reading of the
Torah portion to the synagogue (for boys), and the speech (boys and
girls), and throwing a big party at home or in a celebration hall. How elaborate
the celebration depends on the norm and practices of the particular community
one belongs to as well as one's budget.
Here to Search For
Bar & Bat Mitzvah Services
