Baby Girl
Naming Ceremony: Standard Text
Outside of Israel, manyJews, including
reform, conservative and modern orthodox
traditionally give their babies a Hebrew name for use in
religious rituals, such as the calling up to the aliyah
(benedictions) and the ketubah (marriage contract), and a secular
name for purposes of civil birth records and daily use. The
mainstream and ultra orthodox as well as the chassidic Jews give
their babies Hebrew and/or Yiddish names, though at times they mark
the birth certificate with a secular name, to be used for purposes
of civil and legal records but not for daily use.
The Hebrew name takes the form of "[child's name] bar [father's
name]" for boys, or "[child's name] bat [father's name]" for girls.
The name itself has no religious significance, and while it is often
a Hebrew or Yiddish name, it can be a name from any language or
culture. Ashkenazi Jews traditionally name their children after a
recently deceased relative, a famous departed rabbi or sage, and/or
biblical figures. Sephardic Jews often name children after
living grandparents as well as in honor of rabbis, famous religious
figures and/or biblical figures.The following is the recitation by the father of the new born girl.
מי שברך אבותינו
אברהם יצחק ויעקב, הוא יברך את האשה היולדת _____בת_____(שם האב)
ואת בתה הנולדה לה במזל טוב [ויקרא שמה בישראל _______ בת _______
(שם אב התנוקת)] בעבור שבעלה ואביה יתן לצדקה. בשכר זה יגדלה (לתורה)
לחופה ולמעשים טובים ונאמר: אמן
The one who blessed our
forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, may He bless the woman
who has given birth ____________ (Hebrew name) the
daughter of __________(father's Hebrew name) with her daughter
who has been born at an auspicious time and may her name be
called in Israel _________ (baby's Hebrew Name), daughter of
__________ (baby's father's Hebrew name), for her husband, the
infant's father will contribute to charity on their behalf.
In reward for this, may they raise her to Torah, marriage, and
good deeds. Now let us respond: AMEN.
More about Baby Girl Naming:
Naming Ceremony: Ashkenazic Tradition
Naming Ceremony: Sefardic Tradition,
Zeved Habat
Jewish Baby Names from A to Z
