Pidyon HaBen (Hebrew:
פדיון הבן; trans.
Redemption of the Son) is one of the rarest performed rituals in
Judaism, whereby a firstborn son is redeemed from a Kohen so that
the boy is released from his obligation to serve in the Beit
Hamikdash, the Holdy Temple in Jerusalem. Although there is no
Temple in Jerusalem nowadays the ceremony is still observed by
Orthodox and Conservative Jews.
The ritual of Pidyon Haben goes back to
the early days of the Israelites. Way
back, at the time of the people of Israel's Egyptian exile, the
Jewish firstborn males were spared from the Plague of the Firstborn
that struck the Egyptians and were then sanctified priestly class
and inducted into God's service. However, when the Jews – firstborn
included – served the Golden Calf in the desert, the priesthood
status of the firstborn
status was forfeited, and transferred to the tribe of Levi. The
assignment of service God in the holy temple was granted to the
tribe of Levi, as they, and particularly the children of Aaron, were the
only tribe that did not participate in the Golden Calf affair.
The reason for the rarity of this
ritual stems from the fact that only one in 50 male children born to
Jewish homes actually qualify for the ceremony. The following
factors must be applicable, for a father of a newborn to partake in
the ceremony of Pidyon Haben:
1. Pidyon Haben is applicable
only to Male Firstborns
2. Baby must be first born to his mother. "Peter Rechem Imo,"
the "first to open mother's womb." Firstborn
males of mother suffered a still birth or miscarriages after three
months of pregnancy or more, do not qualify for Pidyon Haben. If miscarriage
occurs before 40 days of pregnancy, redemption of first born is
celebrated. If miscarriage occurs after 40 days but before the
fetus developed distinguishing characteristics, redemption of
the first-born is still required, but the blessing said by the
father is omitted.
3. Birth must be natural (vaginal delivery), not by
Caesarean section.
4. Father of baby is neither a Kohen or Levi.
Levites and Kohanim do not redeem their children with Pidyon
Haben ceremonies, since they are pledged to minister and assist
the Kohanim in their divine service in the holy temple, once its
built, and cannot reject their obligation.
5. Mother of child is not daughter of either a Kohen or Levi.
The sons of daughters of Levites and Kohanim are not redeemed.

More about the Pidyon Haben:
Pidyon Haben: Redeeming of Firstborn Male
Child, an overview
Pidyon Haben: Biblical References
Pidyon Haben: The Ceremony, the Blessings and
Pidyon Haben: Five Silver Coins
Pidyon Haben: Orthodox, Conservative and
Reform Perspectives
Jewish Baby Names from A to Z