Milah (Bris) - Biblical Commandment
Bringing Newborn Jewish Boys Into the Covenant
Brit Milah (בְּרִית מִילָה),
Circumcision, is the first commandment given by God to Abraham, the
first Jew and father of the Jewish nation. The Brit is a central
tenet in Judaism. The biblical source, God’s commandment appears in
the first book of the Bible, Genesis:
"G-d said to Abraham, 'And as for you, you shall keep My
covenant - you and your offspring after you throughout their
generations. This is My covenant which you shall keep between Me
and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you
shall be circumcised. You shall circumcise the flesh of your
foreskin, and that shall be a sign of the covenant between Me
and you. At the age of eight days every male among you shall be
circumcised, throughout your generations - he that is born in
the household or purchased with money from any stranger who is
not of your offspring. He that is born in your household or
purchased with your money shall surely be circumcised. Thus, My
covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. An
uncircumcised male who will not circumcise the flesh of his
foreskin - that soul shall be cut off from its people; he has
invalidated My covenant.'" Bereishit (Genesis) 17:9-14
Abraham was ninety-nine years old.
Since, for nearly 4000 years, Jewish people observe the ritual of
circumcision as the fundamental sign of the covenant between God and
Israel, an affirmation of their Jewish identity. The Brit Milah,
"the Covenant of Circumcision," marks the entrance of new-born
Jewish male child's entry into the Jewish tradition. Observance of
the Brit Milah practiced in every country Jews may live in, even
during times of religious and ethnic persecution when Jews were
forced to practice their rituals in secret. The primary obligation
for a Jewish boy's circumcision falls upon the father. When there is
no father, the Jewish community must accept the obligation. Once the
child reaches Bar Mitzvah he becomes personally obligated to seek
circumcision and enter the covenant of Abraham.

More about the Brit Milah:
Brit Milah: The Covenant of Circumcision, an
Brit Milah: Biblical Commandment
Leil Shimurim: The Evening Before the Brit
Brit Milah: The Venue
Brit Milah: Best time for Ceremony
Brit Milah: The Ceremony
Brit Milah: The Controversy
Brit Milah: Benefits - AP Article
Brit Milah: Benefits - BBC Article
Jewish Baby Names from A to Z