Living Jewish: Jewish Pride
Historically, a
maligned nation, the Jewish People have not only to deal with persecution,
anti-Semitism, and terrorism but a growing chip on a shoulder borne by Jews
influenced by a loud "politically correct" group of anti-Semites and self-hating
With Islam and Islamophiles berating "Zionism", with Christian "purists"
continuing to blame Jews for the crucifixion of their Messiah, and with an
apologetic "Jewish
professoring their extreme left, anti-Jewish and anti-Israel ideals in
Universities around the globe, it may be understandable why some of us walk with
a chip on our shoulder.
But, listen up, fellow Jews. Straighten your posture, hold your head high, and
shout out your pride for you are a member of an ancient people, a nation of
wisdom and kindness and moral ethics. You are a member of a nation that survived
and will continue to thrive against all odds. For truly, there is no other
people on this earth that has endured as much, yet are as creative and
industrious and continuously productive. Think about it. Is there another
group that can lay claim to an enormous contribution to mankind? Statistically
speaking, per capita, Jews have contributed to the global effort more than any
other group in all fields, from philosophy, literature, to medicine, science,
hi-tech, communications, and more.
MazorGuide - Jewish Pride section celebrates the accomplishments of Jewish folks
in all arenas, international and regional, those famous, and those that are
known to a select few.
Send in your emails, and share your Jewish Pride.
Write to:
From An Old Newspaper Clipping by: Unknown (07-05-81)
Dear Readers:
I received this in the mail from Father Theodore M.
Hesburgh, president of the University of Notre Dame, and
I want to share it with you. It was written by the late
Sam Levenson. He called it "An Answer to an
"It's a free
world. You dont have to like Jews, but if you dont, I
suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products like
insulin, discovered by Dr. Minkoski; the vaccine for
hepatitis, discovered by Baruch Blumberg; chlorhydrate
for convulsions, discovered by Dr. J. Von Liebig; the
Wassermann test for syphilis; streptomycin, discovered
by Dr. Selman Abraham Waxman; the polio pill by Dr.
Albert Sabin; and the polio vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk."
"Good! Boycott!
But humanitarianism requires that my people offer all
these gifts to all the people of the world. Fanaticism
requires that all bigots accept diabetes, hepatitis,
convulsions, syphilis, infectious diseases and infantile
"You want to be
mad? Be mad! But Im telling you, you aint going to
feel so good." |

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