Keren Malki - Empowering the families of special-needs children : Keren Malki's work is based around the idea that no place is better for a child with special needs than that child's own home. Helping to enable that to happen is what drives our activities, day after day. The challenges facing a family with a seriously disabled child are not simple. Neurological disorders, severe illness and developmental problems in childhood change the lives of all concerned: the child, the parents, the siblings and - in some ways - the society around them. Experience shows that such families are rarely in a position to stand up to these challenges without sustained, targeted help. In Israel, sadly, the government belongs more to the problem than to the solution. That is where our role starts. The Malki Foundation (Keren Malki in Hebrew) was founded in 2001 as a living memorial to a girl who dedicated herself to caring for people with disabilities, among them her own severely disabled sister. The life of Malka Chana Roth, who was fifteen when her life was violently ended by Arab terrorists, is the inspiration for the foundation’s work. Her murder is the reason it was created. http://www.kerenmalki.org
Help a Child With Cancer - Zichron Shlome Refuah Fund assists cancer-stricken children and their families with funding for medical treatments, household help, cooked meals, videos and VCRs for children who are hospitalized or bed-ridden. Please visit the site and discover the story of wonderful people who have turned their sorrow into inspiring lifework of kindness and compassion. Operation Refuah was started in 1998 in response to the tremendous amount of illness, especially among children and young parents, in all Jewish communities around the world. Representatives from Bikur Cholim groups and others involved in helping the ill have confirmed that the amount of serious illnesses is rampant and unprecedented. Many note that Jews, who under normal everyday circumstances would have nothing to do with one another, are being brought together and forming bonds of friendship and support in doctors’ waiting rooms, treatment centers and special summer camps. Jews are being forced to unite under trying and tragic circumstances - how meaningful it would be if we could come together in friendship under normal, everyday circumstances. Thus, one of the goals of Operation Refuah is to promote Ahavat Yisrael (Love for one’s fellow Jew) amongst all Jews through a renewed dedication to the mitzvah of V’Ahavta L’Reyacha Kamocha (Love your neighbor as yourself) in one’s regular daily interactions. This mitzvah is considered to be the very foundation of Judaism.
The Jewish Diabetes Association is a nonprofit organization that
lends support and education for those with type 1 insulin dependent
diabetes and their families. We are available upon diagnosis to
give support at the hospital and to help families choose the
appropriate care for them. We have support meetings for the
children, their parents, and adults with type 1 diabetes. All
groups are separate and divided by age. Strict confidentiality is
upheld. Send your emails to chesed@mazorguide.com
Read more about Chesed and Jewish
Charity by clicking below.
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