Sheva Brachot: The
Seven Jewish Wedding Blessings
by Rivka C. Berman
Sheva Brachot
(Hebrew: שבע ברכות ) "the seven blessings," are also referred to as the brachot
Nesuin (Hebrew: ברכות נישואים ), "the wedding blessings." These blessings are
recited by the Rabbi or honored guests under the Chupah (canopy) for the bride
and the groom during the Jewish Wedding ceremony. These same "seven
blessing" are also recited as part of the festive meals that continue for a week
after the wedding.
Orthodox and
Conservative Jews recite the "Sheva Brachot" only with a minyan,
(a quorum of ten), and at least one new invitee is present, one who was not
among the guests for any previous Sheva Brachot festivities. The "new
face" is only necessary during weekdays, as on Shabbat, the Shabbat itself is
considered a new guest . New guests are referred to as Panim Hadashot - new
* Consult with your rabbi as to the pronunciation of
God's name, HaShem.
The "Sheva Brachot" - The Seven Blessings (Sephardic Pronunciation):
1. Baruch Ata
HaShem Elohainu Melech HaOlam, SheHakol Barah Lichvodo
You are blessed, Lord our G-d, the sovereign of the world, who created
everything for his glory.
2. Baruch Ata HaShem Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Yotzer Ha'Adam
You are blessed,
Lord our G-d, the sovereign of the world, the creator of man.
3. Baruch Ata HaShem Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Asher Yatzar Et Ha'Adam
Betzalmo, b'Tzelem Dmut Tavnito, VeHitkon Lo Mimenu Binyan Adei Ad. Baruch
Ata HaShem Yotzer Ha'Adam
You are blessed, Lord our G-d, the sovereign of the world, who created man
in His image, in the pattern of His own likeness, and provided for the
perpetuation of his kind. You are blessed, Lord, the creator of man.
4. Sos Tasis VeTagel HaAkarah, BeKibbutz Bane'ha Letocha BeSimchaa.
Baruch Ata HaShem, Mesame'ach Tzion BeVaneha
Let the barren city be jubilantly happy and joyful at her joyous reunion
with her children. You are blessed, Lord, who makes Zion rejoice with her
5. Sameach TeSamach Re'im Ahuvim, KeSamechacha Yetzircha BeGan Eden
MiKedem. Baruch Ata HaShem, MeSame'ach Chatan VeKalah
Let the loving couple be very happy, just as You made Your creation happy in
the garden of Eden, so long ago. You are blessed, Lord, who makes the
bridegroom and the bride happy.
6. Baruch Ata HaShem Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Asher Barah Sasson VeSimcha,
Chatan VeKalah, Gila Rina, Ditza VeChedva, Ahava VeAchava, VeShalom VeRe'ut.
MeHera HaShem Elohainu Yishama BeArei Yehudah U'Vchutzot Yerushalayim, Kol
Sasson V'eKol Simcha, Kol Chatan V'eKol Kalah, Kol Mitzhalot Chatanim
MeChupatam, U'Nearim Mimishte Neginatam. Baruch Ata HaShem MeSame'ach Chatan
Im Hakalah.
You are blessed, Lord our G-d, the sovereign of the world, who created joy
and celebration, bridegroom and bride, rejoicing, jubilation, pleasure and
delight, love and brotherhood, peace and friendship. May there soon be
heard, Lord our G-d, in the cities of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem,
the sound of joy and the sound of celebration, the voice of a bridegroom and
the voice of a bride, the happy shouting of bridegrooms from their weddings
and of young men from their feasts of song. You are blessed, Lord, who makes
the bridegroom and the bride rejoice together.
7. Baruch Ata HaShem Elohainu Melech HaOlam, Boreh Pri HaGafen.
You are blessed, Lord our G-d, the sovereign of the world, creator of the
fruit of the vine.
